Public consultation to be held for emerging proposals for the redevelopment of East Road garage site and 47-51 Norfolk Street, Cambridge

The proposals for East Road will see the redevelopment of the site to provide up to 40 new residential units designed to high sustainability standards
We are launching a public consultation on the emerging proposals to redevelop the former garage block site on East Road and a separate site at 47-51 Norfolk Street.
An in-person drop in event will be held on Tuesday 8th November between 3pm and 7pm at St Matthew’s Church, St Matthews Street, CB1 2LT where local residents will have the opportunity to learn more about the proposals directly from the project team and ask any questions. Following this event, a survey will also be made available on a dedicated website where the community can have their say on the proposals.
The proposals for East Road will see the redevelopment of the site to provide up to 40 new residential units designed to high sustainability standards alongside new public realm, commercial units, new routes to improve connectivity and wider estate improvements. The area was previously occupied by a block of garages which had to be demolished after high winds caused structural damage in 2022.
We hope to see as many residents as possible at our in-person event to give them the opportunity to meet our project team and discuss the proposals as well as have any questions answered. We know that any proposed redevelopment in an area can be disruptive, but our teams are committed to working together with the local community to support and minimise this as much as possible.Cllr Gerri Bird, Executive Councillor for Housing at Cambridge City Council and CIP board member
At 47-51 Norfolk Street we are proposing the demolition of the existing building in order to redevelop the site to provide circa four new commercial units including a café and an improved local centre alongside circa seven high quality homes. The site has good links to public transport and is within walking and cycle distance of both Cambridge railway station and the city centre.
As part of our ongoing programme as a partnership we are committed to delivering high quality sustainable affordable and private sale homes as well as improving public realm and creating new commercial and community facilities. We look forward to hearing the views from the local community on these proposals and will work together to build on the success of our previous projects across the city.Tom Hill, Regional Director of Hill