Planning granted for over 80 low carbon affordable homes

We have received unanimous planning approval to build over 80 low carbon affordable homes on three new developments in the city.
We have received unanimous planning approval to build over 80 low carbon affordable homes on three new developments in the city.
Aylesborough Close in the Ward of Arbury will see 36 aging homes replaced with 70 low carbon council homes designed to Passivhaus standards, creating highly sustainable homes which will reduce running costs for residents.
At Aragon Close and Sackville Close, both in the King’s Hedges ward of the city, each development will provide seven low carbon highly sustainable homes.
We are committed to tackling the acute housing shortage in Cambridge by bringing forward sites which are underutilised or no longer fit for purpose to provide modern high quality affordable homes for local people within existing residential areas. I am also pleased to see that all the homes are designed to be accessible for any visitors using a wheelchair with a number designed for anyone in a wheelchair to be able to live in.Cllr Gerri Bird, Executive Councillor for Housing at Cambridge City Council and CIP board member
Aylesborough Close will see the replacement of a set of existing small flat blocks with three blocks, with homes ranging in size from one bedroom up to three bedrooms. The homes to be replaced no longer meet the requirements of residents, falling significantly short of current space standards and have very low energy efficiency ratings.
The three blocks will be accessed off Aylesborough Close, Jermyn Close/Fordwich Close and will feature a new green link along the northern boundary of the development. Existing green spaces will also be enhanced along the edges of the site and good quality existing trees will be retained along with new landscaping features and additional trees. A community garden with some play equipment and seating for residents to enjoy is also included.
We are delighted to have achieved approval for these three sites which meet our objectives of creating low carbon, environmentally and socially sustainable new places to live in Cambridge. We are also promoting sustainable travel within our developments with electric vehicle charging and pedestrian and cycle friendly routes to existing local amenities incorporated to ensure that we reduce the need to use cars.Tom Hill, Regional Director for Hill
At Aragon Close and Sackville Close, we will be replacing existing garages and hardstanding at each site with seven new two bedroom low carbon council homes, designed using Passivhaus principles. The developments will also provide car parking, landscaping, and cycle storage. The homes will have very low energy use and heating costs, with thick highly insulated walls and gas free heating.