Milestone reached at affordable housing development in Cambridge

The final piece of roofing felt has been laid to officially mark the topping out of L2 Orchard Park, in Cambridge.
75 new homes, consisting of a mix of social rent and affordable rent will be delivered through Cambridge Investment Partnership and a funding agreement from Homes England.
Gerri Bird, Executive Councillor for Housing and Homelessness at Cambridge City Council and CIP board member said, “Our new development at Orchard Park has allowed us to provide a mix of council homes and also affordable rent homes which will be made available to local residents who have traditionally found it difficult to secure, long term homes in the area.”
30 of the homes will be social rent homes while a further 45 available at 80% of the average private rental rate in Cambridge, with the City Council as landlord for all the properties.
Gerri continues, “With the continued cost of living crisis and rising interest rates, these homes are vital for those who may not qualify for full council rent homes but struggle to be able to afford to rent or buy locally.”
Designed by architects, Mole, the highly sustainable development features two apartment blocks and a row of coach houses, with all the homes gas free with heating provided through air source heat pumps. There are also biodiverse green roofs and high levels of insulation to reduce the impact of fuel poverty.
Tom Hill, Managing Director at The Hill Group comments, “Through the partnership we have worked closely with local residents to ensure this new development has a positive impact on the wider community which includes improvements to the adjacent public open space to provide a community growing garden and areas to come together and enjoy. We are extremely proud of what we continue to deliver through CIP, with over 1000 new homes completed or currently in build, including more than 700 council homes. We are committed to reinvesting in the city by creating new sustainable developments that provide homes and community facilities that are vitally needed.”
Orchard Park will also include improvement to adjacent open space which includes extensive recreational and biodiversity improvements along with community growing garden, pergola and seating area, trim trail, running track, table tennis table and generous planting.
There will also be six electric vehicle charging spaces, one hybrid/electric car club vehicle and above policy cycle parking provision for 124 bike spaces. There is also excellent walking, cycling and public transport links.