An equal partnership between Cambridge City Council and The Hill Group

Published: 11 July 2024

Fanshawe Road given the green light

Plans to build a new mixed-tenure development of 84 council and market sale homes at Fanshawe Road, Cambridge have been given the green light.

The development, which will provide 45 council homes, designed to Passivhaus-equivalent performance levels, and 39 market sale homes will be delivered by Cambridge Investment Partnership, the equal partnership between Cambridge City Council and award-winning housebuilder, The Hill Group.

Of the 45 council homes, 34 will be affordable rent at 60% of the market rate, which is the Council’s standard for new builds, and 11 will be affordable rent at 80% of the market rate, to ensure that those who struggle to rent or buy locally, and don’t qualify for council homes, are still able to live in a secure, sustainable new home.

The site was originally home to 30 ageing homes (20 council apartments and 10 leasehold apartments) built in the 1950s, which were no longer cost-effective to maintain or renovate. Extensive consultations were conducted with existing residents, who have been rehomed to facilitate the redevelopment.

The new council homes will be built as part of Cambridge City Council’s wider programme of work across Cambridge to improve accommodation standards for people living in existing council homes; to build additional council homes to meet local need, and to address wider housing supply issues.

Cllr Gerri Bird, Executive Councillor for Housing at Cambridge City Council and CIP board member said, “We are committed to building a new generation of high quality, sustainable council homes, particularly for those on lower incomes, so we are delighted that our plans for Fanshawe Road have been approved.”

The new development will feature 76 homes within four apartment buildings, with a further eight houses positioned on the eastern and western boundaries of the site. This includes four wheelchair-accessible homes for council tenants, exceeding planning policy requirements by 5%.

Tom Hill, Managing Director at The Hill Group comments, “Our partnership is committed to providing high quality, safe, attractive, and sustainable communities for people to live in and we look forward to work starting on site in the near future. “As well as these much needed new homes we will be enriching the open space and increasing the net biodiversity gain by 35% including the planting of new trees and wildflowers as well as the introduction of bat and bird boxes.”

As part of the new development, the protected open space at the site will be reconfigured, enhanced and slightly increased, along with the addition of a new play area and amenities for families to enjoy. A green corridor will also be created with improved links between Fanshawe Road and the Coleridge Recreation Ground. Existing mature trees will be preserved and there will be a net gain of 27 new trees.

In addition to providing much-needed modern accommodation, the new homes will be built to high sustainability standards, which eliminate gas usage entirely and meet national guidelines for space.

To reduce the impact on local water resources, passive saving measures will be put in place to allow for more efficient flow of water to taps, showers and toilets, and the inclusion of underground bins, which have greater capacities, will reduce the frequency of collections and save energy.

All the homes will have views of green open space, with 85% offering dual aspects, and all flat roofs will feature green roofs for effective rainwater management.

Enhanced pedestrian and cycle routes through the development will encourage sustainable travel, with secure cycle parking and EV charging points.